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Main Product

TAROT 1555 Foldable Propeller CCW TL100D02

SKU: 613194

661 (Inc GST)

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This is a set of foldable propellers for TAROT motors with unique winglet design. It offers ideal flight and precise positioning. Manufactured design that is simple to fold and spread will increase performance for longer flight. The 1555 folding propeller uses high-strength engineering material and a new, optimised propeller size design. The Tarot 1555 propeller therefore has improved flexibility and stability, could increase efficiency by over 10%, and has a larger power reserve. foldable Propellers (CW+CCW) propallers are specially designed for quadcopter.


  1. Gives a 10% efficiency boost
  2. Compatible with various disk-type multi-copter motors
  3. Applicable to motors with diameter 12mm

Package Includes:

1 X TAROT 1555 Foldable Propeller CCW TL100D02

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